8 January 2011

Daily Star: Mika聖誕守在姊姊病床 Mika’s vigil for sis


WHILE most people spent Christmas tucked up on the sofa stuffing their faces and toasting the Queen, big-hearted Mika put the recording of his new album on hold to keep a vigil at his sister’s bedside.

Paloma Penniman, 28, has been recovering in the Royal London Hospital since October when she fell 50ft out of a window in Kensington in a freak accident and became impaled on railings.

Talking for the first time about his sister at the Cirque Du Soleil Totem premiere, Mika told me: “At the end of last year I was going back and forth between Paloma and the recording studio in America.

“Christmas was a bit different this year.

“We didn’t want to leave my sister on her own so all of my family were in hospital on Christmas Day and we have been with her every day over the holidays.

“We tried to make it all fun for her but it has been awful, such a shock, and we don’t know when she will be able to leave. It is still pretty serious.”

The 27-year-old hopes to release the follow-up to The Boy Who Knew Too Much this year.


現年28歲的Paloma Penniman自去年高處墮下的嚴重意外後,10月開始於皇家倫敦醫院(Royal London Hospital)接受治療並逐漸康復。


Mika希望今年可以推出The Boy Who Knew Too Much後的第3張專輯。


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