26 January 2011

Mika's Magic Numbers Show

Saturday (January 22) the winners of Mika's Magic Numbers finally got their reward with a champagne reception followed by an exclusive, intimate set from Mika himself in the sumptuous surroundings of Soho bar Kettners.

Mika, arriving with his dog in tow, gathered our winners round him at the piano in a scene resembling nothing so much as a family sing along, as fans requested their favourite track and joined in heartily.

Afterwards Mika hung out with the winners; chatting, signing and accepting little gifts and the good times rolled.

Congratulations to the winners - Ana Aragon, Anastasia Mezentseva, Laura Galbis, Nina Hauhio, Alexandra Olivier-Luczak and Olga da Silva - who attended with their friends.

We filmed the whole show and we'll be sharing the footage with you very soon - in the meantime check out the pic below (and if you were there, click here to tag yourself on Facebook...)

Mika終於在一月二十二日(星期六),與各Mika's Magic Numbers的得奬者會面了!Mika選了一家位於倫敦蘇豪區的豪華的酒吧Kettners,並預備了香檳和一場獨家的表演,與得獎歌迷來個親密的接觸,以作謝禮。


再次恭喜所有得獎者:Ana Aragon, Anastasia Mezentseva, Laura Galbis, Nina Hauhio, Alexandra Olivier-Luczak and Olga da Silva!



Words and photo via Mikasounds
Translation by MIKAmazeHK

23 January 2011

Mika's Magic Numbers Secret Gig 2011

如果大家以前有上過Mikasounds.com,都會知道有個叫Mika's Magic Numbers嘅遊戲畀網頁會員儲分換獎。
早前MIKA終於宣佈呢個遊戲要關閉喇;為咗答謝Mika's Magic Numbers最高分數得主,MIKA特登開左一個Secret Live Show畀佢地。

If anyone of you have been to Mikasounds.com, you must be familiar with the "Mika's Magic Numbers" game, which was closed last year.
To thank the highest scorers, Mika held a secret gig few days ago, played a beautiful acoustic set.
Here's a video of him performing on that day.

Relax, Take It Easy
Blame It On The Girls


by bique23 via Youtube

17 January 2011

@mikasounds - 今早Twitter更新 Twitter Updates This Morning

RT @mikasounds you can check out my last few columns for La Repubblica here; http://tinyurl.com/5syak2u
你哋可以去http://tinyurl.com/5syak2u,睇返我之前喺La Repubblica寫過嘅專欄
about 7 hours ago via web
RT @mikasounds today was good. two new songs, one beautiful one fucking ace and column drama sorted, at least i know what to write about now
今日唔錯丫都 — 有兩首新歌呀,一首好聽嘅,另一首簡直正到冇朋友!另外專欄方面搞掂咗喇,起碼家下我知道應該寫啲咩
about 7 hours ago via web


via @mikasounds on Twitter

16 January 2011

@mikasounds - Mika在Twitter上的更新 Mika's Latest Twitter Updates

RT @mikasounds www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ewhQg5zvX4
about 37 minutes ago via web

RT @mikasounds am loving Chris Garneau right now. Listen to Dirty Night Clowns. I adore it
開始愛上Chris Garneau;去聽吓Dirty Night Clowns啦!我好鍾意呢首歌
about 1 hour ago via web

RT @mikasounds i think donkeys gotta go, he looks like shit, how??
about 4 hours ago via web

RT @mikasounds I can't spell, why do i even have a column, maybe theyll let me off....
about 4 hours ago via web

RT @mikasounds in the studio in france, taking a break now to figure out what to write for my la republica column...6 days late.... FEELS LIKE SCHOOL WORK
家下喺法國間studio休息緊,同時諗緊應該寫咩畀下期la republica專欄好…… 遲咗6日喇……成件事簡直好似交學校功課咁
about 4 hours ago via web


via @mikasounds on Twitter

12 January 2011

Mika: Pop Up! - 2011年1月號xL Repubblica的每月專欄 Monthly Column in xL Repubblica, January 2011

Mika xL Column 12, January 2011

You’ve obviously realised by now that this issue is about Glam. By the time you’ve finished reading this magazine (or just looking at the pictures) you would have had enough bright coloured lipstick, smeared sequins and alter egos to last you the rest of 2011.
Imagine if you had woken up in the early hours of 2011 lying on the floor, dressed in a blue catsuit with glitter in your hair and a puddle of drool under the corner of your mouth. Well that mess was me on the 1st of Jan and the Glam rock themed new years party which preceded this ugly scene was to blame. That is the reason why I don’t feel like writing about Glam. Instead this article will be far more traditional; the ultimate new years resolution list. Trust me, I need one.

Resolution Number ONE; I shall find myself a canon. After the death of the legendary american writer Hunter S Thompson, his ashes were exploded out of a canon on top of a mountain in Colorado. None other than Johnny Depp lit the taper. This is a very very good way to go. Forget Johnny Depp tho, I don’t know him. Why spend so much money on a burial plot when a story like that will travel for so far and for so long. Please note, my resolution makes no implication that I will die in 2011, I just want a canon. A little post life theatre can’t be a bad thing.

Resolution Number TWO; Be Kind Not Nice. Who likes Nice? Nice isn’t sexy nor is it honest. People are only nice when they want something or when they just want to get you out of the way. Being nice is like being drunk too many times in a week. You feel tired, anaesthetised and very angry underneath. Kind, is sincere and takes more effort. The plus side is that you don’t have to do it as often. It does take a lot more control however, and that takes discipline. But we all know that discipline makes you feel better about yourself. So, being nice makes you feel like shit and being kind makes you feel good and zen like. Be careful to not be too pious however, then everyone thinks your just a self satisfied prick.

Resolution Number THREE; Embrace The Posse. I went to see a play about Onassis recently and one thing struck me. Very rarely during the two hour show was he ever shown without an entourage. He reminded me of my Arab friends who always go out it groups, or of rappers who’s entourage impose a sense of importance and inconvenience on everyone around them, which is the point I think. I come from a Lebanese background, with a big and very close family. Hardly ever do I go anywhere for work or play, where I am not surrounded by at least 3 or four people. Often this entourage has made me feel uncomfortable. As if, more could be achieved or observed If I were more subtle in my movements. This year I shall embrace my crew. Even if my entourage is not as cool as a rapper’s or as powerful as Onassis’, I shall walk walk around with my sisters, friends, dog, a couple 80 year old family members and of course my mother, all in line and with our heads held high.

Resolution Number FOUR; Find A Henchman. Ok so this is a bit of a continuation of number three but still merits its own resolution. I want a chinese looking, quiet and elegant, quite small gentleman, in a suit and tie, preferably in his mid thirties, to follow me around, everywhere. He shouldn’t say to much but must have a doctorate in something obscure, like the behaviour of a subspecies of amazonian red ant. He will be my confidant, the other part of my brain, my filter to people I cross. He will frighten the seedy and reassure the wise. Aplications welcome.

Resolution Number FIVE; Work All The Time. You know those self help guides that tell you to take lots of holiday and spend time away from work? Well, their bullshit. Those guides are written by self promoting workaholic who want you to buy their books, feel crap again and then buy another one. When you don’t work enough you fell like terrible. The things that you used to look forward to, like a drink after work or a favourite TV show, no longer have the same appeal. The more you work the more you value everything and everyone around you. At my age how could this be a bad thing?

I hope I inspire you. I think I’ve inspired myself. Feel free to borrow some of my resolutions and make them your own, just stay away from the henchman idea, if everyone gets one, it could get a little confusing. Happy new year! Nota Benne, that was said with kindness, I’m not being nice.

Translation in Progress


by Mika via xL Repubblica

8 January 2011

Daily Star: Mika聖誕守在姊姊病床 Mika’s vigil for sis


WHILE most people spent Christmas tucked up on the sofa stuffing their faces and toasting the Queen, big-hearted Mika put the recording of his new album on hold to keep a vigil at his sister’s bedside.

Paloma Penniman, 28, has been recovering in the Royal London Hospital since October when she fell 50ft out of a window in Kensington in a freak accident and became impaled on railings.

Talking for the first time about his sister at the Cirque Du Soleil Totem premiere, Mika told me: “At the end of last year I was going back and forth between Paloma and the recording studio in America.

“Christmas was a bit different this year.

“We didn’t want to leave my sister on her own so all of my family were in hospital on Christmas Day and we have been with her every day over the holidays.

“We tried to make it all fun for her but it has been awful, such a shock, and we don’t know when she will be able to leave. It is still pretty serious.”

The 27-year-old hopes to release the follow-up to The Boy Who Knew Too Much this year.


現年28歲的Paloma Penniman自去年高處墮下的嚴重意外後,10月開始於皇家倫敦醫院(Royal London Hospital)接受治療並逐漸康復。


Mika希望今年可以推出The Boy Who Knew Too Much後的第3張專輯。


6 January 2011

Mika出席太陽劇團最新劇目「圖騰」倫敦首演 Mika attends the premiere of Cirque du Soleil, Totem in London

尋日Mika就去咗太陽劇團(Cirque du Soleil)最新劇目「圖騰」(Totem)喺倫敦皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳(Royal Albert Hall)嘅首演!

It is nice to go to see fabulous shows during holidays; and of course there is no exception for Mika!
Mika attends the première of Cirque du Soleil's latest "Totem" performance at Royal Albert Hall yesterday in London.


Photos via MFC
Photos via Life
Photos via Gettyimages

2 January 2011

@mikasounds - Mika的2011首次Twitter更新和新年祝福 Mika's first 2011 Tweet and says Happy New Year to fans

RT @mikasounds ...old book; Julian Barnes A history of the World in 10.5 Chapters (still reading & its still dull but must finish)
…舊書;係Julian Barnes(朱利安·巴恩斯)嘅A History of the World in 10½ Chapters(《10½ 卷人的歷史》)(到家下我重睇緊,雖然好悶但一定要睇哂佢)
about 11 hours ago via web

RT @mikasounds new year, new album, new dog, new house, new socks (they were on sale)...
about 11 hours ago via web

RT @mikasounds i awake from momentary hibernation, happy new years x
about 11 hours ago via web


via @mikasounds on Twitter