31 December 2010

回顧 Lookback - Mika on Britawards 2008

新一年祝大家每日甜過Lollipop,多姿多彩過Grace Kelly,日日都Love Today!

今次share嘅係Mika 2008年喺Britawards嘅表演!
有Love Today同Grace Kelly — 重中間夾住一個surprise,唔知會係咩呢?

It's nearly 2011!
Wish you all a Happy and MIKAful New Year!!!

This time we are going to share Mika's live performance at the Brit Awards in 2008.
Mika sang Love Today and Grace Kelly in the performance, and brought the audiences a surprise!

冇錯!除咗Love Today同Grace Kelly之外,Mika當時重同老友The Gossip主唱Beth Ditto合唱佢哋嘅Standing In The Way Of Control添!

Yes! Mika also sang a duet with Beth Ditto, of rock band The Gossip's Standing In The Way Of Control that night!
Here's the original version of the song X)


Mika is now having his holiday and making his new album at the same time.
Do anyone of you miss him?
He was spotted when he was buying coffee from a shop!

Again wish you all a HAPPY 2011!!! *hugs*


Video uploaded by AngrealTV via Youtube
Video uploaded by wyldfile via Vimeo
Photos via Closer Mag

23 December 2010

Happy Birthday to Cherisse Osei the drummer

趁今日佢鼓手Cherisse Osei生日,我地就認識下佢啦!

We are all already very familiar with Mika, but how much do you know about his band?
Let's know a little bit more about his drummer Cherisse Osei, on her birthday today!

Cherisse Osei(全名Cherisse Ofosu Osei)自12歲開始開始打鼓,曾參與不同風格的音樂工作和演出,包括流行音樂(Pop)、搖滾(Rock)、R&B、爵士樂(Jazz)、Blues和Heavy Metal。
Cherisse Osei在2004-2006年,與Molly Mcqueen曾是Polydor Records旗下,Pop/ Punk搖滾樂隊The Faders的成員。
除了打鼓外Cherisse也當過5年的結他手和主唱/ 和音。

Cherisse Osei (Cherisse Ofosu Osei) has been drumming since the age of 12.
Music style – wide ranging from Pop, Rock, RnB, Jazz, Blues and Heavy metal.
She has experienced recording in the studio – have done a variety of session work.
She was part of a pop/punk/rock band called The Faders from 2004-2006 with Molly Mcqueen. Were signed to Polydor Records UK.

She has played Guitar for about 5 years + voice.
She recently drums for British pop-star Mika's studio records and playing shows with him.

Cherisse Osei Drum Solo

Love Today Drumming - Mika and Cherisse (Live @Hammersmith)

Mika - Blame It On The Girls Acoustic Abbey Road plus interview


Introduction text via Cherisse Osei on myspace
Photo via Delfi
Photo via Beirut Night Life

Mika探訪意大利米蘭San Raffaele醫院 Mika visited San Raffaele Hospital in Milan

一邊寫新碟一邊放緊假嘅Mika,就喺今個月頭(12月3日)去咗意大利米蘭,帶同禮物去到當地嘅San Raffaele醫院探訪入面嘅小朋友同一班年輕嘅捐血者。佢除咗同嗰度嘅小朋友玩之外,重即場身體力行捐血添!
Other than writing songs and doing shows, Mika is also keen on charity work.
Mika, who is having holiday and making his third album at the same time, visited young blood donors and young patients, in San Raffaele Hospital of Milan on 3rd December. The singer played games with the children and gave them presents. He even did blood donation on that day!


Photos via Ginger Generation
Photos via Facebook

11 December 2010

Mikamaze Exclusive 限定: Christmas & New Year Give It All Away!!!!!!! 聖誕新年送小禮!!!

千祈唔好錯過呀 X)

MIKAmazeing Christmas + New Year Giveaway session is
extended to the 23rd Dec!!!!!
Grab your chance now!!!! X)



Mika上年去澳洲嘅時候,喺一個當地電台節目中唱咗Let It Snow呢首歌,流傳開去之後好多fans都好鍾意架。


Before announcing the details of our Giveaway session, we want to give you the first amazing gift of this Christmas!
When Mika was touring in Asia, he played Let It Snow on an Australian radio show, it then became very popular among his fans - he even played a duet with Utada Hikaru when he was in Japan last year!
At last he made a studio version of this song when he was back, and was freely shared to Korean and Japanese Universal Music letter subscribers (most of his fans have this song after that for sure :D).

So if you missed it last year, here's the chance again!
Click the link above to get the track - we are going to share it until 9th January, 2011.





So it is what we've been talking about!!!
Firstly take a look at this year's presents list!
(Click on the pic to enlarge)


And then!

Have a nice week! (^O^)/


Music via Universal Music

Mika: Pop Up! - 2010年12月號xL Repubblica的每月專欄 Monthly Column in xL Repubblica, December 2010

Mika xL Column 6, December 2010

News Flash! The British have cracked!
On the morning of the 10th of November British students in their thousands took to the streets of London to march in protest of a major university fee increase. This government plan would see the cost of university rise to over 10,000 Euros a year by 2012. At a time when cuts are being made all over the world, internationally, this is not a very big story. With a few broken windows and a rather pathetic looking bomb fire, this story turned into front page news of the Wall Street Journal. Over the past few months we have seen countries in their true colours, as each nation have reacted accordingly to cuts in public funding.
In comparison to the violence of the Greek protests and the scale of the recent French demonstrations, the UK student protests seem almost meek. it is the fact that there has been any public violence and protest in the UK at all, that is important.For the first time in the past two years, the stoic patina of the British public has been cracked. Even Schwarzenegger, in his own way, has been holding up the UK as an example of a nation who are making appropriate sacrifices and dealing with them in the right way. Basically, that we’ve been keeping our mouths’ shut. How very English…
Over the past year, a few countries have started to represent the varied European responses to economic cuts. Like protagonists in a serialised novel, France, Greece and now the UK are all stars. But where does Italy sit in all of this? Obviously the Italian economy is suffering as much if not more in some ways than its European counterparts. But why do the French get all the attention and manage to make themselves heard around the world? The answer is Unity. The French public has a way of unifying itself against what they consider unjust. If the English are seen as keeping their discontent to themselves then Italians are seen as doing nothing about it.
Stories of classrooms in some parts of the country being so over full that students are being asked to bring their own chairs, are not uncommon. Extra curricular activities at schools have been slashed and university professors are increasingly being poached into other industries with more prospects.
Italian universities no longer appear in the top 200 Universities of the world, even though they were created in Bologna in the middle ages. If these kinds of troubles were to start affecting primary education in the UK, the discontent would be so widespread that the demonstrations would be front page news because of their scale and not their violence. A close Milanese friend often speaks to me about these such problems but admits to have never taken part in a rally of any kind. When asked why, he says its “just not done”.
There is no shame in making problems heard. How can they be rectified otherwise? That same Milanese friend emailed me last week furious, after Berlusconi had made a comment in the press saying that it was “better to be passionate about girls that being gay”. How I ask myself can a prime minister ever get away with a comment such as this without any consequences? In other countries such a statement would lead to a resignation. Its not funny, its not true, its pathetic. Again, my friend apart from emailing me did nothing. Clearly others felt angry too, just like they do about the education problems.
But what will spark a fire and burn away the complacency which stops people making their discontent heard? On the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, perhaps the marches should not just be ceremonial and for the sake of making leaders look even better but should be real people making themselves heard.

Translation in Progress


by Mika via xL Repubblica

9 December 2010

@mikasounds - Mika於Twitter提及前晚去巴黎格雷萬蠟像館遇見自己 Mika tweets about meeting himself at Musee Grévin

RT @mikasounds When I met me in Paris two nights ago at the Musee Grévin. Bizarre but amazing feeling. Check it out! http://yfrog.com/gy5ty01j

RT @mikasounds 前晚我去咗巴黎格雷萬蠟像館睇我自己。感覺好奇怪但又好正!畀你地睇下啦!http://yfrog.com/gy5ty01j


Tweet via @mikasounds on twitter
Photo by @mikasounds via yfrog

8 December 2010

Mika蠟像於巴黎揭幕 Paris unveils Mika waxwork model

巴黎格雷萬蠟像館(Grévin Museum)日前加入Mika蠟像,畀佢喺呢間著名嘅蠟像館入面永遠留存!




Musée Grévin, the legendary waxwork museum in Paris have immortalised Mika in wax!

The French musuem is a big attraction for both the country’s residents and tourists and holds some of the world’s best waxwork figures.

The Mika model was unveiled last night and Mika was there to pose with himself. Both he and his waxwork wore the same clothes during the packed ceremony.

Can you tell the real Mika from the model one?
More Photos from web!


Text and photo via Mikasounds.com
Cantonese Translation by Mikamaze
Photos via WireImage
Photos via Getty Images
Photos via Photobucket