24 July 2011

過去48小時⋯⋯ The past 48 hours...

Over the past 48 hours events have occurred around the world that have shaken and appalled me – the tragic and despicable attacks in Norway and the sad loss of Amy Winehouse

The death of Amy Winehouse has shocked and saddened me, as a label-mate on Island her undeniable talent is something I have admired for many years and her incredible songs and voice will serve as an amazing legacy by which to remember her by. The noise about her private life and the sad circumstances of her death will be drowned out by her classic records which will be played for many years to come. Last night, I played Paleo Festival in Switzerland in the slot that Amy was supposed to play – it was sad and difficult to step onto the stage so soon after her death, knowing that originally she was supposed to be performing there. The show was dedicated to her and my thoughts are with her family, it is a terrible thing for a parent to lose their child

We also paused last night’s show in order to dedicate Happy Ending to the victims of the terrible terrorist attacks in Norway. Those events moved me a great deal – I could not think of a more horrific way for so many innocent young people to die for no reason whatsoever. My thoughts and prayers go out to their families

過去48小時,在這世界上發生的事令我感到無比的震驚 — 先是在挪威發生了可悲劇性和可恥的襲擊,再來是痛失天才Amy Winehouse。

Amy Winehouse的離世實在令我感到震驚和悲痛;作為她一個唱片公司裡的一個同事,她那無可抗拒的才華,一直是我這麼多年來最欣賞的。同時她那驚人的歌曲和聲音,將會成為一份美好的遺產,給鍾愛和難忘她的人好好流傳。我相信那些有關她私生活的流言蜚語,以及她死時令人痛心的狀況,必會隨著年月流逝及她的經典歌曲沖淡的。昨晚我在瑞士的Paléo音樂節代Amy演出 - 要在Amy離世後的瞬間踏上原本她要表演的舞台,真的是十分難過和困難的。我把昨晚的演出獻給她,同時我的心和掛念都會與她家人同在的,父母失去兒女從來都是件很可怕的事。

昨天我們暫停了一會,把Happy Ending這首歌獻給日前挪威慘劇中的死傷者。那些事件切切實實的觸動了我 - 我不能想像一件,比一班無辜年輕人白白犧牲來得更可怕的事。我把我的思念和禱告都奉獻給他們的家人。
Original Text by Mika via Facebook
Chinese Translation by MIKAmaze HK

17 July 2011

Mikamaze Exclusive 限定: Happy Birthday Giveaway 2011

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*是次Giveaway活動限香港居民參加,如果你身處海外​但仍有興趣, 請電郵至MIKAmazeHK@gmail.co​m


10 July 2011

Mika 2011年7月7日接受法國NRJ Cauet's Show電台訪問 Mika's Interview on Cauet's Show, NRJ, France 7th Jul 2011

Full Radio Track Download

Part 1
Cauet(主持人):Mika,我很高興見到你!我高興得差點兒用英文說“I'm very happy to see you”了。
Mika:Relax;‘Relax, Take It Easy’這句背後有個故事的。我第一次聽到的時候在中國;當時我妹妹還在那裡留學。我那次到中國探望她的時候,她在一家店裡認識了一位叫Brinker的男人。每當他感到受壓力的時候他都會重覆說著這句話的……你現在知道故事了,那我們不用唱了吧!
(再播了一小段Grace Kelly的副歌)
Cauet:上次我在火車上唱Grace Kelly差點把其他人殺死了!
(Cauet播了Rain的一兩句,然後用法文講'When it rains, it rains')
Cauet:在演唱會裡觀眾便能聽到你唱最新的法文單曲'Elle Me Dit'了!

Part 2
Cauet:接下來你會聽到,自7月4日起可以上網下載的,Mika最新單曲(Elle Me Dit)。他將會於 7月9日在貢比涅開一場演唱會。
Mika:我在Parc Des Princes時弄破了褲子,是因為我跳舞跳得太起勁了!而那次更被錄做演唱會DVD啊!
(Cauet提到Elle Me Dit這首歌,然後叫Mika唱Relax;Mika叫Cauet也一起唱嘛,但Cauet拒絕了)

Cauet隊友:你能唱像castrato(做閹割手術的歌手(十六∼十八世紀在義大利, 閹割男童以保持其女音))那樣的高音!
Cauet:但你有保留所有東西,對吧 ?
Mika:(笑)是的 XDD
(另一位聽眾Guillaume打來問問題;Cauet再次提到貢比涅的演唱會和Mika 2012年推出的新專輯)

Part 3
Mika:Johnny Halliday戴過很多(這帽子?)的。
Cauet:“Christian Digier試過一次,但他應該停止這樣做了。”
Mika:但我在說Johnny Halliday啊。
Cauet:還有Rolling Stone的T-shirt。
(15歲的Anne Emmanuelle致電電台,表示她愛死Mika了,同時有2個問題想問他)
Mika:有的,但我不能說跟誰(合唱)-好了其中一首會是跟前The Neptunes成員Pharell Williams唱的。聽起來有點像Daft Punk和Barry White的混合,蠻酷的!
Cauet:或許你也能跟Serena Williams合唱一下?
Anne:那Elle Me Dit的video呢?
Mika:我們下星期就會開始拍Elle Me Dit的video了!
(Guillaume又說他會聽著Mika的歌跳起土風舞來,跟他跳舞的朋友後來把Mika的歌都變得有鄉土風情。最後Mika唱了一小段Rednex的Cotton Eyed Joe。)
(Mika問Guillaume通常他們會聽著哪首歌跳舞?Guillaume回答Big Girl, Lollipop, Blame It On The Girls)
(Mika說他寫Big Girl是刻意以民謠旋律為藍本的。Big Girl這首歌是關於一家離洛杉磯1小時路程,專為胖女生和喜歡她們的男生而設,叫Butterfly Lounge的酒吧 )
Mika:我當時14歲,對現在的標準來說有點遲吧 ,在我15歲生日前的一個禮拜,我覺得是遲來的。
Mika:很好嘛!Sweet 16。

Part 4
Cauet:Mika live!Mika的最新專輯將於2012年頭推出,而現時他的最新單曲為'Elle Me Dit'。這將會是一張充滿驚喜的唱片。
Mika:對,有一點吧。但法文也蠻酷的,因為法文可以做到英文做不到的事,例如在'Elle Me Dit'的副歌中有句'Pourquoi tu gâches ta vie?'(英譯:Why are you wasting your life?)。你不能用英文這樣寫的;因為法文的發音跟英文不同,所以節拍會不一樣。
Cauet:千萬別錯過Mika於7月9和10日分別在貢比涅和列日的2場演唱會喔!好了Mika,我們這個節目有個傳統叫'Twat Game'的。我會問你一連串的問題—這裡每個人都可以玩,但答案中一定要有'Mika'這個字。好!一個在其他棒子不動的情況下,移走一根小棒的遊戲是甚麼 ?
Mika隊友:Do Re Mi Ka Si Do!
Mika隊友:Physico Chimika!
Cauet:接下來這個,一個以前唱過''Sans chemise, sans pantalon... Without shirts or trousers'的長青歌手?
Mika隊友:Mika Zaraî!

Part 1
Cauet: Mika, I'm very happy to see you, I'm even going to say it in English "I'm very happy to see you".
Mika: I'm very happy , I'm very proud (in English with a huge French accent) lol! "I'm very proud ,really" (In English with a huge French accent)!
(So they both start singing "Relax" for a "battle")
(Cauet asks for the tune and lyrics)
Mika: This sentence "Relax, take it easy has a story, the first time I heard it, I was in China, when my sister was a student there, I went to China to visit her and she had met a guy called Brinker in a shop and when he was stressed at work he would always repeat this... and now you have the story, we don't need to sing it!
Cauet team member: Did you give some money to that Chinese guy?
(Cauet sings and a lady in his team says its' not so bad but he sounds like a duck.
Then the real songs is played and Cauet says it's hard to sing Relax.)
(Then they play GK chorus and Cauet asks Mika how his voice can go so high. Mika says his voice is normal.)
Cauet: I killed people in the train because I tried to sing Grace Kelly.
Mika: The trick is not to sing too loud.
(Then they play Rain and Cauet says "When it rains, it rains" in French
Cauet says Mika in on his show and that people will soon hear his new single which is in French "Elle me dit")
The lady in Cauet team: This song rocks!

Part 2
Cauet: In a minute you will hear Mika's new single that you can download online since July 4th. He will be in Compiègne for a gig on July 9th. Mika, I've said it once already but I'm very happy to meet you. How do you feel yourself about seing me for real?
Mika: It's totally magical.
Cauet: Yes, I 've seen it in your eyes.
Mika: I came from London today and missed my train, so they told me I could take the next one and I ended up sitting in the luggage rack. I wasn't alone there, we were three actually.
Lady in Cauet team: Even though you're Mika!
Mika: I was travelling on my own, I had no one from my team: I told them to put me in the train.
(Laura is on the phone - she is waiting in front of the radio station , hoping to meet Mika. She's sad because she couldn't get inside.)
Cauet: Even Mika shouldn't be in, he should be in the luggage room of the radio station as in the train.
Mika: It would have been funny not to let me in... Come on I'm the singe, let me in...!
(Laura asks her question, she asks what made Mika feel most ashamed.)
Mika: When my pants split open at the Parc Des Princes as I danced so much! And it was filmed for the DVD!
Cauet: What part of your pants broke?
Mika: Every part, even the crotch, it was awful.
Cauet: So what did you do? Did you hold your pants with your hands?
Mika: Yes.I did for the third song , then I left to change clothes.
Cauet: And I bet people were saying , that's how he makes his voice so high squeezing it!
A member of Cauet team : I knew this is how he could have such a high pictched voice!
(Then Cauet mentions Elle me dit and asks Mika to sing Realx and Mika tells him to sing with him but he doesn't want to.)
(Cauet says people can watch the photos on his twitter and Mika starts singing Relax live.)
Cauet: Was the audience a good one?
Mika: Yes, this is a wonderful audience and Cauet makes fun of someone who clapped in his hands too slowly.
(Cauet says it is the end of the exams for students and asks Mika what sort of a student he was.)
Mika: I was a bizzare student, not awful but strange, like for example I would come to school with disguises and they would send me back home, but for me it was normal to be dressed like that. I would draw clothes, make them and wear them at school. I guess it comes from seing my mother do this everyday, we lived in a loft where she made the clothes and that was natural to us.
I was in a very small school in France, then in London, they kicked me out of the French High School and as they didn't want me any more I decided not to bother with school and I had my first job six months after I left school, as an opera singer. But my opera teacher was awful as well and I was fed up.
Lady in Cauet team: But you have a classical background, that may be why you can sing so high.
Mika: Maybe.
Cauet: Yes, but some people might take any class and never manage to sing.
Lady in Cauet team: You can sing as high as a castrato.
Cauet: But you have kept everything , haven't you?
Mika: Yes, everything is still there. (He laughs)
Cauet: Proof is that it splits your pants during gigs.
(Mika tries to sing like a castrato Farinelli with a wierd voice.)
Cauet: It sounds like a duck. So then you need to put everything back where it belongs and he asks Mika again if he has everything.
Mika: *laughs* Yes.
(Guillaume is on the phone with a question, Cauet mentions Compiègne again and that Mika's new album will be out in 2012.)

Part 3
Cauet: Mika is here! We are going to compare our caps!
Lady in Mika's team: Mika's looks much better. I love his cap, it's terrifis, he bought it in England, it's so cool.
Cauet: Mine is an Oliver (not sure about that ???)
Mika: Johnny Halliday wears lot of them.
Cauet: Christian Digier did too, but he should really stop.
Mika: But he's Johnny Halliday.
Cauet: And Rolling Stones t-shirts.
(Cauet tries to sing Mika again.)
Cauet: He will be in Compiègne on Saturday and Liege on Sunday for a festival
lady in Cauer teamThis is going to be a new style of show.
Mika: Yes, in Marie Antoinette style.
Cauet: You won't get your head off, I hope.
Mika: No actually I cut al the band's members' heads off and then I wear a Napoleon jacket and you'll see if you come;
Mika: It sounds strange and violent when I tell about it. We might have difficulties with the suits, we only tried them on two days ago. They are not so easy to dance with and we wear tights actually.
Cauet: Then we must expect some crocth problems then...
(Anne Emmanuelle, 15 is on the phone and she loves loves loves loves Mika)
Anne: Any duets in the new album?
Mika: Yes. But I can't say with whom, ok there will be one with Pharell Williams (Neptune). The tittle sounds like a mix of Daft Punk and Barry White. it's really something cool!
Cauet: You can also make a duet with Serena Williams maybe?
Anne: What about Elle Me Dit video?
Mika: We will start filming Elle me dit vid next week!
(Another fan mail is read and Lucie who will be 14 next week wants Mika to wish her a happy birthday live on the radio is her email is picked, that it would be her best birthday gift ever and Mika wishes her a very happy 14th birthday.)
(Guillaume is on the phone and says hi to everyone)
Mika: I'm always afraid of questions out of the blue because I never know what I am going to be asked...
Cauet team member: He knows things about you lol!
(Guillaume says he's a big fab and loved Lievin gig that was his Christmas gift from his parents. He also says he dances country dances on Mika tunes and the team turns Mika songs into country and Mika ends up singing a bit of Cotton Eyed Joe.)
(Mika asks what song they use and Guillaume says "Big girl, Lollipop, Blame It On the Girls")
Mika: Big Girl is based on country rythm on purpose and he tells Cauet about the Butterfly Lounge, an hour away from LA, a club for big girls and men who like big girls.
(Guillaume says he played to win a ticket and Mika asks him his name so he can be given a ticket and says he's giving him a ticket)
(Marion is on the phone, she wants to tell Mika he saved her life and saved her from sadness. Mika says she is very sweet.)
Cauet: See Mika, no frightening questions.
Mika: Many of my lyrics are sad but the music is very happy, makes you want to dance. It's maybe a Lebanese mix, you laugh and cry at the same time.
Lady in Cauet team: As in your new single.
Mika: Yes
Marion: How old were you when you got your first kiss and in which circumstances did it happen?
Mika: I was 14, which is a bit late for today's standards, a week before I turned 15, I think it's late.
Cauet: And you Marion,how old where yo when you got your first kiss?
Marion: No kiss yet.
Cauet: How old are you?
Marion: 16.
Mika: That's cool, sweet 16.
Cauet: Maybe you wear braces.
Marion: Yes.
Mika : I wore braces from 12 to 17 but still got kisses.
Cauet: And you got stuck.
Lady in Mika team: You have time.
Mika: Maybe she's not worried.
Marion: I'm waiting for the right guy.
Cauet: you see, no problem with the questions so far, Mika. Let's hear someone else.
(Then a fake fan (member of Cauet's team) doesn't want to give his name and speaks with a theatening voice.)
Mika: I'm not afraid of your question but I'm afraid of your voice.
Man from Mika's team: you kissed me when you were fifteen but you never called me back.
Mika: "****"!
Man from Mika's team: I've also seen you dead drunk more than once in the streets but I want to know why you never called me back.
Mika: Because you stink, you were ugly, you had pimples everywhere and you also cut my tongue with your braces.
Man from Mika's team: I am very very sad, please sing your new song to make me feel better, I'll just stay in the back if you're looking for me.
Cauet: Why don't we listen to Mika live?
(Mika sings Elle Me Dit live)

Part 4
Cauet: Mika live!
Cauet: Mika's new album will be realeased at the begining of 2012, the new single is called Elle me dit, a brand new album filled with surprise.
Lady in Mika team: ****, it's too much to wait
Cauet: Will there be French songs?
Mika: The album will be in English, for the French version, there will be five songs in French.
Lady in Mika's team: How do you feel when you sing in French? Is it bizarre?
Mika: Yes, a bit, but French is cool because with French I can do things I can't in English, like in the chorus of "Elle me dit" which is "pourquoi tu gâches ta vie?" , you just can't do that in English, the rythm is different because of the French sounds
Lady in Cauet's team: that's really cool that you release songs in French
Cauet: Don't miss Mika's show in Compiègne on July 9th and Sunday in Liège. Now Mika, we have a tradition in this show which is called the "Twat Game".
I will ask you questions and everyone can play but there must be "Mika" in the answer
Cauet: A game in which you must remove one stick without moving the other?
Lady in Mika's team: Mikado.
Cauet: That was fast. A country in South America?
Lady in Mika's team: Mikaragua.
Cauet: I forgot to tell you it's not always perfect. The five first notes of music?
Lady in Mika's team: Do Re Mi Ka Si DO
Mika: Did you guys cheat?
Team Cauet: No.
Cauet: A big shop selling furnishure that is impossible to assemble together
Lady in Mika's team: Mikea.
Cauet: A med that you take when you hurt yourself on something not to have bruises?
Lady in Mika's team: Armika.
Cauet: The title of a serie on NRJ12?
Lady in Mika's team: Physico Chimika.
Cauet: The ad with the beaver folding the foil around the chocolate?
Lady in Mika's team: Milka.
Cauet: Next one is for you, a singer who is ageless and used to sing "Sans chemise, sans pantalon... without shirt or trousers"?
Lady in Mika's team: Mika Zaraî.
Cauet: The last one is awful, a former X rated movie star who gets naked when she comes to our show?
Lady in Mika's team: Virgimikapprice.
Cauet: Everybody laugh. Mika, a big kiss, that was wonderful to have you, come back any time, but after August 22nd as we're going on holidays. So Mika was with us tonight!
Mika: Thank you!
English Translation by crazyaboutmika on MFC

28 June 2011

Mika's Magic Monday #2

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小休了約一星期後,Mika的Magic Monday環節強勢回歸!

但你們不能只為今天的這篇更新興奮呢!我們在未來的日子還有一連串令大家雀躍的材料-包括一段由Mika給大家的video message(他有任務給你們⋯⋯),還有另一樣特別的消息要公佈,這次是肯定的je ne sais quoi(直譯:我也不知道甚麼)⋯⋯





After a brief week away, Mika's Magic Monday is back in full force!

But it's not just this one day you have to look forward to, we have loads of excitement for you in the coming days including a video message from Mika (he's got a job for you...) AND another special announcement, this time with a certain je ne sais quoi...

In the meantime we want to whet your appetite for all the Mika goodness ahead by giving away THREE exclusive wallpapers for your computer!

Click one of the below links to download the free wallpaper and let Mika fill you with magic everytime you turn your computer on.

Not only have we got loads more for you to look forward to this week, but next week sees the unveiling of a very exciting new product... Can you guess what it is?

Stay tuned for more from marvellous Mika!
via Mika on Facebook

24 June 2011

Mika 2011年6月22日接受Courrier Picard訪問 Mika's Interview on Courrier Picard, 22nd June 2011

For his only show in France happening at the beginning of July, Mika tells us about his anticipated third record.

Mika, real name Mica Penniman, born August 18 1983 in Beirut, Lebanon. After 8 years in Paris, he moves to London to continue his studies. At 19, he decides to quit school to start his artistic career.

He sings at the Royal Opera House and writes jingles. He starts being known in 2006 via Myspace.

His first single, Relax, take it easy is a real success: top position in Brittish charts due only to downloads. Followed my by the single Grace Kelly, his first album Life in cartoon motion is a success. It will be followed in september 2009 by The boy who knew too much.

This pop icon chose Compiègne to try his new creations, July 9 at the Palais Impérial.

Why a show in France?
A show in France between the 2 albums makes me get out of the studio and test my songs in englush as well as 2 or 3 in French. We need a balance and not get away too much from the audience, being free.

And why Compiègne and the palais impérial?
It’s a special place. And its not far from Paris, 40 minutes. I wanted a festival, i wanted a feeling, a new look. The place is perfect for the “mood” of the new CD. A little bit like the Louvre.

Are you already familiar with the place?
Yes, a little bit. When i was a kid, we drove by it with my parents. Its a good occasion to come back to the town.

You will sing new songs but also old ones?
Yes, a few (smiles).

Why so much secret about this new album?
I think its the opposite, there's no secret. I wanted it to be more relaxed. Thats why i wanted to present this album during a show, while its not done like that usually. This CD is mostly about the origin of love. I also talk about tolerance. It’s both sad and rhythmic. But its not done yet. Its frustrating.

What have been your main inspirations for this album?
I didn’t want to talk about my childhood or my teenage years, but about religion and politics. There's a song on the record where we forget about religion, forget about Adam and Eve, and reinvent love and talk about tolerance. There're 12 love songs but all different. I wanted make the concept of a love song about desire, which is the most important thing.

How is it different from the previous CDs?
There're more collaborations, even if i wrote most of the songs. With collaborations, there's more energy. They could help me. While i did the second CD alone, for this one i wanted to work with all the people i love in the world.

When will it be released?
2012, but a few singles will be out before when they’ll be ready.


Mika,原名Mica Penniman,1983年8月18日於黎巴嫩貝魯特出生。在巴黎生活了8年後,他搬到倫敦繼續他的學業。在他19歲那年,他確定離開學校開展他的演藝事業。他在皇家歌劇院唱歌,也會為廣告作曲。他在2006年開始透過MySpace成名。

他的第一首單曲Relax, Take It Easy獲得空前的成功,並成為線上下載歌曲的銷量榜首。
Mika其後推出另一首單曲Grace Kelly,再以首張大碟Life In Cartoon Motion取得另一次的成功。他更在2009年9月發行第2張專輯The Boy Who Knew Too Much。





會的,幾首吧 。(微笑)




Original article in French via Courrier Picard
English Translation by LilStar via MFC
Chinese Translation by MIKAmaze HK

Mika 2011年6月17日接受France Soir訪問 Mika's Interview on France Soir, 17th June 2011

Mika: "My sister's accident made me think"

At the age of only 27, the singer has a great career behind him. Meeting on the occasion of a visit to France, before a concert at Compiègne.

Orange pants, lock of hair the same color, childish smile, Mika is in Paris. Revealed in 2007 with his debut album Life in Cartoon Motion has sold in France to more than 1.2 million copies, it is about to release his third album. Last Wednesday, the singer had also made a special trip from London to talk to some journalists. And it previewed the US-Lebanese singer 27 years will sing some of his new songs during a unique concert in France on July 9 at Compiègne.

You become a star within 5 years...
No, I’m not a star. It’s funny, because I can do several concerts at Bercy, then take a walk in the street, very quietly. People look at me but do not often approach me. I’m not in the tabloids, I’m not a celebrity. Fortunately, because I tell a lot of crap and if it is known, I would be expelled from all parts of Paris!

There is a rumour that you have moved to Paris. Is it true?
I live in London and I also have a home in the U.S. because I work a lot there. For Paris, it is a false info, this is not the first … I love coming here but I could not live there because my whole family is in London. Honestly I do so much touring, it’s been five years since I live nowhere. Or rather everywhere.

Why present your new songs on stage?
I will not present the whole album, I’ll just try a few titles. I did not want to do a concert in France this summer and I wanted it to be outdoors, so that it has a taste of the festival. I chose Compiègne for the place is very beautiful. Well, I do not yet know the city but I downloaded a lot of plans Compiègne on my computer. Like that now I know where it is…

What can we expect on this new disc?
It will be a great pop album in English, also with songs in French. To do this, I chose a songwriter named Dorian, it was he who actually wrote the French version of Grace Kelly. I must admit it makes me a little scared to sing in the language of Molière…

What topics will you discuss?
He spent a lot of things in my personal life lately. The accident of my sister Paloma (who had a fall from fourth floor of his London flat, then impaled on a grid in October 2010, Ed) made me think a lot. So, I took a little break and this time I wanted to securities that are not too childish. I wrote twelve songs of love and tolerance. The album will be called The Origin of Love. I’m trying to record from Los Angeles, Miami and Montreal. For now, there are seven songs ready, and I need two.

How is your sister?
She made enormous progress. She fights. It is now surprising everyone… She wants to prove she can walk again and lead a completely normal life. I have no doubt about its success and the doctors are even amazed. It was hard for me, but, working in depth on this new CD really helped me.



橙色長褲,一綹相同顏色的頭髮,像小孩一樣的笑容,Mika現身處巴黎。2007年出道推出Life In Cartoon Motion大碟,在法國的銷量達120萬之多;也是時候推出第三張專輯了。上個星期三Mika就跟了一些記者來了一次特別的倫敦行,也談了自己的一些事;同時這位27歲的美國黎巴嫩混血兒歌手,也預告了他將會在7月9日貢比涅這場獨一無二的個唱上跟大家表演新歌。




它將會是一隻很棒的英語流行專輯,也會收錄幾首法文歌。我找了一位叫Dorian的作曲人,就是當年寫法語版Grace Kelly的那位。我承認要我唱Molière的語言,我是有點怕的⋯⋯

近來我在自己的私人生活上花了不少精力。我姊姊Paloma的意外(去年10月Mika的姊姊Paloma從她倫敦的住所單位4樓高處墮下,並被圍欄刺過身體)令我想深了點。所以從那時開始我稍息了一會,並決定今次我要表現得不再幼稚。我寫了12首關於愛與包容的歌。新專輯將會叫‘The Origin of Love’。我嘗試在洛杉磯、邁亞密和蒙特利爾錄音。現階段我已經完成了7首歌,我還需要多2首。


English translation by Google Translate
Chinese translation by MIKAmaze HK
Original article in French via France Soir

19 June 2011

Mika 2011年6月18日接受LCI Matin Weekend電視訪問 Mika's Interview on LCI Matin Weekend, 18th June 2011

LCI: Hello Mika!

Mika: Hello!

LCI: Thank you very much to accept our invitation. You're back, after a year without seeing you in Europe, with a third album in process, let's talk about it. So there is a tour, some shows, notably in Compiègne. Why do you choose Compiègne?

Mika: It's the only show that I will be in France.

LCI: We could wait for you in Paris.

Mika: Sorry?

LCI: *speaks up* We could wait for you in Paris.

Mika: Oh yes, but in Compiègne, the place looks beautiful, and it's only at 40min from Paris, so it's nearly Paris. It's very easy to go there. It's just in front of the Palais Impérial, it's an amazing place. I want to do something in the open air, something quite "summerish". It's really the only show that I will be in France this summer, before the third album. I'm in studio since 5 month, it's good to go out and do some shows.

LCI: To say "do something else and be on stage again"?

Mika: Yeah. It gives to me a different king of energy. I think it's important to test news things. For example, I will test some news' album songs. At the same time I wrote the album, I started to write song in french. It's not french versions of the english one, these songs only exist in french. I will sing one or two of these songs for the fisrt time at Compiegne. It will be the first time that I sing my own french song.

LCI: Speaking of that, the french audience often ask if you will sing in french...

Mika: Yes, everybody was asking me! A lot of people asking me. I sang covers before...

LCI: Grace Kelly, for example?

Mika: Yes, Grace Kelly too. I often did Barbara's covers, even when the people didn't want to hear that! I was singing "La Solitude" in the Eurockéennes! (laugh). But here, it will be my songs.

LCI: How many songs will be in french in this album?

Mika: Heu... No, it's doesn't a part of it, it's more like a bonus, a surprise for my fans in France. It's 4 or 5 songs, 4 songs just in French, but it's aside. It's an album in English, 12 songs in English, with that along.

LCI: So let's talk about this third album. In the last two albums, you talk about childhood, teenage years. So now, in which universe will you take us?

Mika: It's totally different, and I say that totaly sincerely. It's very different, like a new beggining. It's a little weird to talk about the third album because I'm still doing it. It will be finish this year to be out at the begging of next year. But you can probably hear new songs few months before. You will hear singles in next months. It's sound like a mix of Fleetwood Mac, Empire of the Sun, and Tron, the sample of "Tron" made by Daft Punk. So it's a little more electronic, but with organic elements. I don't know... it's very cheerful, very sincere and more adult, with the themes, what I'm talking about. There isn't childish or adolescent feelings. It's a sound very honest, and very liberated.

LCI: Where did you record this album ? You still working on it.

Mika: I was working... So, last year, I was on tour until november because the second record tour lasted one year and half. We also have a lot of difficulties in my family, because my sister had a serious accident in last october. It was like if my family's life, expect for the shows i did, was on break.

I started to work on february, in Montreal, with Empire of the Sun, an australian group which was in Montreal to work on "Le Cirque du Soleil" show. I went there without know what to do, I was saying to myself "what am i doing here ? I don't even know what I want to do".

LCI: Do you need to immerse yourself again in the work?

Mika: I immersed myself in a complet different environnement, I never recorded in Montreal before. Then, I didn't go home during three month and half. I left Montreal for Miami, Los Angeles, Miami again, Montreal again, I was touring, I was touring, and I went back with the half of my album. It was like a kind of... I don't know... it's really help me. It refresh me in every way. It's important, it was like if everything happen last year was a break, and a new beginning.

LCI: Precisely, it's true that the tragedy, which touched your family and your sister in particular, touched a lot your fan, you sent to them a few messages...

Mika: No, no, it's not true, they didn't sent "a few" messages. She was in a Hospital in London, called the Royal London hospital. She received a hundred of messages, it was incredible, the hospital was complety shocked. The most of these were french. It was letters, flowers, Carebears, she started to collect the carebears. Do you say that? Carebears? Teddybears? They collected it and gave to children in the hospital because we had too much. It was incredible. She was totally shocked and very touched to see that.

LCI: So, how is she?

Mika: She is really fine, she is very strong, she is inspiring, it's inspiring me, but at the same time, it's scared me, because I never see a women... She will be thirty the next week... In fact she will be thirty just before the Compiègne's show. And she's fighting, she's complety convinced that she will walk again. She's already showing at everybody, the specialists and all the doctors, that she's doing a few step. It's incredible, really incredible, I never see someone fighting this way. She doesn't care about what people say, she will be sucessful. Everything we do in our lives is quiet common place comparative with that.

LCI: Ok! Thank you very much! We will meet you again in July in Compiègne, and so in the begging in 2012 for your third record?

Mika: The album in the begginig of 2012 yes, and the singles before I hope, but we'll see. I am a little scared because they just tell me that le Palais (Impérial) is really the Napoleon's palais, and we are doing a theme for this show, because it's a new show, visually too. It's a little... a little Louvre, and my singer, my musicians, are dressed like if they were in Marie-Antoinette's court.

LCI: So it's Marie-Antoinette for the dresses?

Mika: *laughs* There will be a huge guillotine!

LCI: You mix Marie-Antoinette and Napoleon?

Mika: Napoleon, Marie-Antoine! Right, we'll see! Rendez-vous the 9 July, in Compiègne!

LCI: Thank you very much Mika, and see you very soon in Compiègne and for the new album!

LCI:Hello Mika!












LCI:例如Grace Kelly?

Mika:對,也有唱過Grace Kelly的法文版呢。雖然很多人不喜歡聽,但其實我常翻唱Barbara的歌!我試過在Eurockéennes音樂節唱過“La Solitude”的!(笑)但今次全都將會是我自己的歌。


Mika:呃⋯⋯不,它們不是專輯的一部分,說它們是bonus、和給我法國fans的一個驚喜會比較恰當。這些bonus有4至5首吧 ,4首是全法文的,不是主打的。新專輯是張英文專輯,裡面12首都是英文歌,加上那幾首bonus一起合成這張專輯。


Mika:我很誠懇的告訴你,這次的專輯跟以前的是完全不同的。真的很不同,就像一個新開始一樣。現階段談我的第三張專輯感覺怪怪的,我始終還未完成啊。專輯預計今年內完成,明年年頭推出。可是你大概能在推出的幾個月前聽到一些新歌呢!或許未來幾個月內我會推出單曲吧。專輯聽起來會像Fleetwood Mac、Empire Of The Sun,和Daft Punk的“Tron”的混合。所以曲風會比較電子,但同時又不失有機元素。我也不太清楚呢⋯⋯無論如何它將會是張很愉快,誠懇的專輯,而題材方面則會成人一點;不會再有任何天真幼稚的感覺在內。它將會收錄所有既真誠又自由(解放)的聲音。

我在2月開始工作,我到了蒙特利爾,跟正在那裡為太陽劇團(Le Cirque du Soleil)工作的澳洲樂團,Empire Of The Sun合作。剛到那裡的時候,我不知道自己該做些甚麼。我甚至跟自己說,“我在這裡幹嘛?我連自己想怎樣也不知道。”







LCI:好!非常感謝你!我們 7月在貢比涅再見吧;所以在2012年年頭能聽到你的第三張專輯嗎?

Mika:沒錯,它將於2012年年頭面世,希望能在那之前推出一些單曲吧,看進度吧 。他們告訴我比亞里茲真的是拿破崙的皇宮來的,弄得我有點害怕;而因為演唱會是新的,視覺上也是,所以我們也為它另定了主題。會有一點羅浮宮的味道吧 ;而我的樂隊也會穿得像他們在瑪麗皇后的庭院(法庭?)裡一樣。







English translation by Nanouch on MFC
Chinese translation by MIKAmaze HK
Video uploaded by AFerrariM via Youtube, owned by LCI

Mika: 我寫法文情歌 I write love songs in French.


He is in Paris. The singer is visiting the capital, place where he grew up. He is working on his third album, and is going to appear in Compiègne (Oise) on 9th July. Yesterday, we had an occasionwith a musician who is always hot and enjoyable, not stingy with confidence.

Q: Why this concert is in Compiègne, Mika?
M: I want to give some shows this summer, while I am working on my new album, which is scheduled for early 2012. I was told about Compiègne, it is a place at 80 km from Paris. I went to the site and it is beautiful. I'll be playing at the square which is in front of the palace. It's pretty impressive. So, I prepared a scene between Marie Antoinette and punk: old paintings painted with graffiti, the costumes in this spirit.

Q: Where are you on for your next album?
M: I have seven songs that I love and I still need two. This time I decided to work with lots of different people: the Empire of the Sun group, the electro producer William Orbit (note: collaborator of Madonna). I am going to the studio tomorrow (note: this morning) with French DJ Martin Solveig. I also contacted some unknown musicians like Ben, a young Englishman whom I found his songs on the internet. He lives with his parents and played me his songs in his bedroom. They are presented on four tracks on the album. Musically, the disc is a meeting between Fleetwood Mac and "Tron," a mixture of the Elton John piano and electronic sounds.

Q: And you try to write in French?
Yes. Meanwhile, I'm writing songs in French, but not to make an album, probably will be bonus on my next record. Here it sounds like between Supertramp and Polnareff. There is a track called "82, rue des Martyrs," which is a bar in Paris, next to Michou. One day I went there at 3 am, I met a girl named Karen who told me about her life and I made a song.

Q: Is it hard to write in French?
No, although I make small grammatical errors. There's a song called "Elle me dit." “Elle me dit: écris une chanson contente, pas une chanson déprimante, une chanson que tout le monde aime. Elle me dit tu deviendras milliardaire, t'auras de quoi être fier. Tu ne finiras pas comme ton père. (She said, simply write a song, not a depressing song, a song that everyone loves. She said you will become a billionaire, you'll have to be proud. You do not end up like your father.)” A real French would not write like that.

Q: What is the name the album?
"The Origin of Love," - because it will be twelve love songs with different tones. I have had it tough this year. My sister makes all my scenes tour had a serious accident. She had a fall from the 4th floor. Today she is rebuilt, beginning to walk. She is an incredible fighter. With all this, I need a change, to make a real difference that I want.

Mika is going to have a concert on 9th July and 13th July in Compiègne and Ajaccio respectively.

原文:Emmanuel Marolles

講法文的Mika現在到了他度過童年的巴黎,同時為他將要面世的第三張專輯努力工作;除此以外,他還準備在今年7月9日在瓦茲省貢比涅(Compiègne, Oise)表演跟一眾歌迷會面。昨天跟我們昨天就跟這位充滿魅力和樂趣、毫不囂張卻又自信的歌手度過了一段快樂的訪問時光。


現在我已經有7首喜歡的新歌,我想還需要多2首。這次我決定跟很多不同的人合作:例如組合Empire Of The Sun和電子音樂監製William Orbit(曾與Madonna合作)。我明天(今早)會跟法國DJ Martin Solveig到錄音室一趟。我也有聯絡過一些不太有名的音樂人,例如Ben;他是一個英國音樂人,我是在網上找到他的歌而認識他的。Ben與父母同住,他曾在他的房間裡給我聽過幾首他的歌。它們以4首歌的模樣收錄在他的專輯上。就音樂而言,那隻唱片可說是Fleetwood Mac和“Tron”之間相遇形成的一個火花,也是一個Elton John的鋼琴和電子音樂的混合。

對啊。最近我在寫法文歌,但不會弄一張法文的專輯,或許會以bonus track的姿態在新專輯上呈現在大家眼前吧。它聽起來會是SupertrampPolnareff之間那樣的曲風。新專輯中還有一首歌叫“82, Rue des Martyrs",其實那是巴黎一間酒吧的名字。它就在Michou隔壁。一次我凌晨3點到了這家酒吧,認識了一個叫Karen的女生,她跟我講了自己的故事;而這首歌就是以她的故事做藍本寫成的。

不會啊,雖然我到底還是會有一些文法上的小錯誤。還有一首叫"Elle me dit."的。“Elle me dit: écris une chanson contente, pas une chanson déprimante, une chanson que tout le monde aime. Elle me dit tu deviendras milliardaire, t'auras de quoi être fier. Tu ne finiras pas comme ton père. (She said, simply write a song, not a depressing song, a song that everyone loves. She said you will become a billionaire, you'll have to be proud. You do not end up like your father.)”一個真正的法國人是不會這樣寫的。

“The Origin of Love” - 因為裡面將會收錄12首有著不同調子的情歌。過去這年我變得堅強(對我來說很難過)。我姊姊去年的意外造就了我巡演的場景。那次她從4樓高處墮下。到現在她逐漸好起來了,開始重新走路,她真是個很厲害的鬥士。也因為這樣,我需要一個改變,一個打從心底裡想作出的改變。


*Video translation in progress.

8 June 2011

Mika與美國樂隊The All-American Rejects合作 Mika's Collaboration With The All-American Rejects

RT @tysonritteraar Thanks to Mika for throwing his sweet vocals on the end of one of my favorite songs our band has done. It's made it that much more special.
11:31 AM Jun 7th via Twitter for iPhone

via @tysonritteraar on Twitter
*Tyson Ritter是美國搖滾樂隊The All-American Rejects的主唱和低音結他手。

Mika: Pop Up! - 2011年5月號xL Repubblica的每月專欄 Mika xL Column May 31st 2011

Mika在意大利月刊xL Repubblica,2011年5月份的專欄
Mika xL Column 31, May
How A Dancing Goat Changed The World
Over the past few months I have been splitting my time between the USA, Montreal and Stockholm. I am now half way through making my new album, which will be my third. There are certain things which are almost unavoidable when working intensely in the studio. Firstly, you go slightly deaf, or in my case, even more deaf, and secondly you live at the mercy of a takeaway menu and most of all takeaway coffee. Coffee gives me a break from music and more importantly a break from the people I’m working with. We all have coffee ceremonies, and mine is a solitary one. I sit, drinking and bitching to myself about everyone around me, think about how everything going wrong is everyone else’s fault and list their never ending habits that drive me crazy. Once my cup is finished, I’m ok again and re-enter the studio in a much healthier state of mind with all my negativity thrown away with the paper cup.

All this coffee drinking has made me increasingly curious about how so many of us have ended up addicted to this black brew. Coffee is today the most traded agricultural commodity in the world and in 2004 the total value of retail coffee sales was over $80 billion. What do we really know about coffee?

It all started with a dancing goat apparently. Legend has it that in the 9th century, a goat herder in Ethiopia called Kaldi noticed his goats moving excitedly from one coffee shrub to another, grazing on the red berries containing the beans. Curious about the berries he tried it himself. The effects of the coffee beans on Kaldi were noticed by monks who also gave it a go. The buzz the coffee beans gave them made them feel more alert during their prayers and in short, closer to God.

What followed over the next 500 years was astonishing. Having made its way across the Red Sea to Arabia, coffee was being roasted and brewed, like we know it today, by the 9th century. It still had religious uses however, as the coffee aided religious worship. This important link tied coffee to Islam. So, where ever Islam went coffee went with it and this included Turkey. From Istanbul, coffee beans were imported into Venice and that was the first time coffee had travelled away from the Muslim world. The beans that were exported however were always sterilised and boiled, making them infertile. This protected the Arab coffee merchants who wanted to keep control of their valuable crop. Many tried and failed to smuggle out plants and beans, but it was not until an Indian smuggler called Baba Budan that anyone succeeded. Baba taped a few beans to his chest and got them to India where he immediately, under armed guard, set up plantations. From there the plant made its way to Holland and then to the Caribbean (via a theft in Paris) and only after that did it get to the Americas in the 1720s. Now, this was the result of a bouquet of roses apparently! Sent to French Guiana on a mission by the Brazilian government to smuggle out some fertile coffee beans, a Brazilian Lieutenant has a affair with the governor’s wife. She offers him a bouquet of roses with fertile coffee beans hidden inside the blooms, as a token of her affection. From these seeds, the largest coffee empire in the world would be built. Brazil is now the world’s largest producer of coffee, all thanks to a woman who thought she was in love.

Walking around in Venice Beach, in LA, I came across a coffee shop where a queue of people were standing in a calm line with numbered tickets in their hand. They were waiting for a cup of coffee at Intelligentsia Cafe and the waiting time was over 45 minutes. California saw the birth of the coffee shop chain. Way before Starbucks, there was Pete’s, a chain that started in 1966. In most European countries, you can not cross more than three street corners without stumbling into a Starbucks. How then has Italy managed to avoid this? Growing up in France we always thought Starbucks would never be able to compete against the cafe culture, but we were wrong. Italy should of course be proud of resisting Starbucks, but this new craze for gourmet responsible coffee drinking in the US has got me thinking. At Intelligentsia, people were not only queuing because the coffee was delicious, but because there was variety and a story behind every bean. Every cup served, has been made from beans that have been bought directly from the growers, on small independent plantations. The relationship between the coffee shop and the farmer is a direct one. That means that there is hardly anyone between us as the consumer and the farmer. The coffee shop doesn’t represent exploitation and price fixing, but shows how a partnership can benefit everyone. The emphasis on organic coffee also has environmental benefits. Just because Italy has resisted the Starbucks empire doesn’t mean it couldn’t learn something from the hip (and very patient!) coffee drinkers of Venice Beach.

When a bean has such an ancient story dating from the 9th century, and to this day 25 million families around the world are completely dependant on it, it’s worth having a little patience.

Here are some of the submissions we received for Mika’s illustration contest from last month’s blog. Thank you to all who entered.

by Mika on xL Repubblica
Firstly posted on Mikasounds

4 June 2011

新的Mika豆腐人公仔名字出來了!New Mika Tofu Doll Name Revealed!

Thanks to everyone who suggested named for the new Mika Tofu Doll. Over 1000 names were put forward which is an amazing response!

Some of Mika’s favourites were:
MIKO (‘Beautiful Child’ in Japanese)
Mitodo (‘my everything’ in Spanish)

However there can only be one winner. So it is with great pleasure to announce the Mika Doll’s new name is…





Congratulations to Hazel Chew for coming up with such a great name!

Watch this space for information and news on the Luvluvmi doll.

恭喜得奬者Hazel Chew給我們提議了這麼好的一個名字!
via Mikasounds

Mika將會在西班牙Low Cost Festival音樂節演出 Mika To Play Spain's Low Cost Festival

Fans in Spain will be able to catch Mika live this summer as he is confirmed to play the Low Cost Festival. Taking place between 21st-23rd July in Benidorm, Mika will be sharing the stage with a wealth of other bands including Erol Alkan, Crystal Castles, Klaxons and many more.

Click here for more information on the festival.

If you want to catch him live click here to see the full listing of live dates Mika will be performing at this year.

各位西班牙歌迷今個夏天將有機會與Mika見面了,事緣Mika已經確認了會在當地,於7月21至23日舉行的Low Cost Festival音樂節演出!屆時Mika還會與Erol Alkan、Crystal Castles及Klaxons等其他樂隊分享舞台呢!
via Mikasounds

Mika取消瑞士Urban Festival音樂節的演出 Urban Festival Cancelled

It is with great sadness that we announce Urban Festival in Switzerland has been cancelled.

Mika was due to perform at the festival on 1st July and wishes to convey his sincerest apologies to fans hoping to catch him live.

Please contact your ticket vendor for information on ticket refunds.

Stay tuned for more Mika live announcements. Hope to see you soon at the next one.

我們很遺憾要跟大家宣佈,今年瑞士的Urban Festival音樂節已經取消了。


via Mikasounds

26 May 2011

@mikasounds - Twitter更新 Twitter Updates

RT @mikasounds Back in London for a few days ;) http://yfrog.com/h8e9njbkj
RT @mikasounds 返左黎倫敦幾日 ;) http://yfrog.com/h8e9njbkj
2:42 AM May 26th via Twitter for iPhone

via @mikasounds on twitter

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RT @mikasounds spent the eve bumbling around Lamb Conduit street in London with my sis Paloma. My new favourite part of the city. A secret buble
RT @mikasounds 成個黃昏都同家姐Paloma係Lamb‘s Conduit Street行。呢度係我係呢個城市入面最新愛上既地方,一個秘密泡泡
5:26 AM May 12th via web

via @mikasounds on twitter

11 May 2011

@mikasounds - Twitter更新:新專輯明年推出! Twitter Updates: New album out in 2012

RT @mikasounds infact, @Charlie_Gaze, the colabs have been kind of like finally being comfortable getting naked in front of other people... its quite nice
RT @mikasounds 老老實實,今次呢D合作既作品,就好似可以很舒服咁係D人面前除衫咁⋯⋯係唔錯架
about 1 hour ago via web

RT @mikasounds @Charlie_Gaze there are some colabs and some big ones
RT @mikasounds 冇錯有部分歌係同其他人合作既,而當中都有D大製作既
about 1 hour ago via web in reply to Charlie_Gaze

RT @mikasounds new album is out top of next year, its one of the best things ive done in my life, completely liberating and most of all fun
RT @mikasounds 新碟出年年頭出,將會係我呢世人入面其中一樣整過最好既野,製作過程完全自由之餘又好玩
about 1 hour ago via web

RT @mikasounds its been a while since ive been on here i know, how u doing? gonna start throwing you some of my new song titles/lyrics
RT @mikasounds 我都知我好耐冇上黎喇,大家好嘛?係時候掟D新歌名/歌詞畀你地喇
about 1 hour ago via web

RT @mikasounds my dog just vomited a chapstick, good god
RT @mikasounds 我隻狗o岩o岩嘔左成支Chapstick潤唇膏出黎,你好野呀下
about 2 hours ago via web

RT @mikasounds Finish Line by Yasmin, pure summer pop joy Lurve...!
RT @mikasounds Yasmin首Finish Line真是令呢個夏天又Pop又開心!大愛!
about 2 hours ago via web


via @mikasounds on twitter