LCI: Hello Mika!
Mika: Hello!
LCI: Thank you very much to accept our invitation. You're back, after a year without seeing you in Europe, with a third album in process, let's talk about it. So there is a tour, some shows, notably in Compiègne. Why do you choose Compiègne?
Mika: It's the only show that I will be in France.
LCI: We could wait for you in Paris.
Mika: Sorry?
LCI: *speaks up* We could wait for you in Paris.
Mika: Oh yes, but in Compiègne, the place looks beautiful, and it's only at 40min from Paris, so it's nearly Paris. It's very easy to go there. It's just in front of the Palais Impérial, it's an amazing place. I want to do something in the open air, something quite "summerish". It's really the only show that I will be in France this summer, before the third album. I'm in studio since 5 month, it's good to go out and do some shows.
LCI: To say "do something else and be on stage again"?
Mika: Yeah. It gives to me a different king of energy. I think it's important to test news things. For example, I will test some news' album songs. At the same time I wrote the album, I started to write song in french. It's not french versions of the english one, these songs only exist in french. I will sing one or two of these songs for the fisrt time at Compiegne. It will be the first time that I sing my own french song.
LCI: Speaking of that, the french audience often ask if you will sing in french...
Mika: Yes, everybody was asking me! A lot of people asking me. I sang covers before...
LCI: Grace Kelly, for example?
Mika: Yes, Grace Kelly too. I often did Barbara's covers, even when the people didn't want to hear that! I was singing "La Solitude" in the Eurockéennes! (laugh). But here, it will be my songs.
LCI: How many songs will be in french in this album?
Mika: Heu... No, it's doesn't a part of it, it's more like a bonus, a surprise for my fans in France. It's 4 or 5 songs, 4 songs just in French, but it's aside. It's an album in English, 12 songs in English, with that along.
LCI: So let's talk about this third album. In the last two albums, you talk about childhood, teenage years. So now, in which universe will you take us?
Mika: It's totally different, and I say that totaly sincerely. It's very different, like a new beggining. It's a little weird to talk about the third album because I'm still doing it. It will be finish this year to be out at the begging of next year. But you can probably hear new songs few months before. You will hear singles in next months. It's sound like a mix of Fleetwood Mac, Empire of the Sun, and Tron, the sample of "Tron" made by Daft Punk. So it's a little more electronic, but with organic elements. I don't know... it's very cheerful, very sincere and more adult, with the themes, what I'm talking about. There isn't childish or adolescent feelings. It's a sound very honest, and very liberated.
LCI: Where did you record this album ? You still working on it.
Mika: I was working... So, last year, I was on tour until november because the second record tour lasted one year and half. We also have a lot of difficulties in my family, because my sister had a serious accident in last october. It was like if my family's life, expect for the shows i did, was on break.
I started to work on february, in Montreal, with Empire of the Sun, an australian group which was in Montreal to work on "Le Cirque du Soleil" show. I went there without know what to do, I was saying to myself "what am i doing here ? I don't even know what I want to do".
LCI: Do you need to immerse yourself again in the work?
Mika: I immersed myself in a complet different environnement, I never recorded in Montreal before. Then, I didn't go home during three month and half. I left Montreal for Miami, Los Angeles, Miami again, Montreal again, I was touring, I was touring, and I went back with the half of my album. It was like a kind of... I don't know... it's really help me. It refresh me in every way. It's important, it was like if everything happen last year was a break, and a new beginning.LCI: Precisely, it's true that the tragedy, which touched your family and your sister in particular, touched a lot your fan, you sent to them a few messages...
Mika: No, no, it's not true, they didn't sent "a few" messages. She was in a Hospital in London, called the Royal London hospital. She received a hundred of messages, it was incredible, the hospital was complety shocked. The most of these were french. It was letters, flowers, Carebears, she started to collect the carebears. Do you say that? Carebears? Teddybears? They collected it and gave to children in the hospital because we had too much. It was incredible. She was totally shocked and very touched to see that.
LCI: So, how is she?
Mika: She is really fine, she is very strong, she is inspiring, it's inspiring me, but at the same time, it's scared me, because I never see a women... She will be thirty the next week... In fact she will be thirty just before the Compiègne's show. And she's fighting, she's complety convinced that she will walk again. She's already showing at everybody, the specialists and all the doctors, that she's doing a few step. It's incredible, really incredible, I never see someone fighting this way. She doesn't care about what people say, she will be sucessful. Everything we do in our lives is quiet common place comparative with that.
LCI: Ok! Thank you very much! We will meet you again in July in Compiègne, and so in the begging in 2012 for your third record?
Mika: The album in the begginig of 2012 yes, and the singles before I hope, but we'll see. I am a little scared because they just tell me that le Palais (Impérial) is really the Napoleon's palais, and we are doing a theme for this show, because it's a new show, visually too. It's a little... a little Louvre, and my singer, my musicians, are dressed like if they were in Marie-Antoinette's court.
LCI: So it's Marie-Antoinette for the dresses?
Mika: *laughs* There will be a huge guillotine!
LCI: You mix Marie-Antoinette and Napoleon?
Mika: Napoleon, Marie-Antoine! Right, we'll see! Rendez-vous the 9 July, in Compiègne!
LCI: Thank you very much Mika, and see you very soon in Compiègne and for the new album!LCI:Hello Mika!Mika:Hello!
LCI:非常感謝你接受我們訪問的邀請。已經一年沒有在歐洲見過你,現在你回來了,而且第三張專輯已經有了進展,不如就談談它吧!我知道你今年將會在歐洲巡演,而且其中一場更會在貢比涅舉行呢。為甚麼你會選擇貢比涅呢?Mika:那將會是我(今年)在法國唯一一場演唱會。LCI:我們會等你再來巴黎的!Mika:甚麼?LCI:我們會在巴黎等你的!Mika:噢好啊!但貢比涅真是個很美的地方呢,距離巴黎只是40分鐘的車程,所以也差不多是巴黎了吧。要到那裡其實也不難,只是在比亞里茲前面,是個令人驚歎的地方。我想在露天的地方做點有夏天感覺的事,活動一下。這真的會是我完成第三張專輯以前,我在法國的唯一一場演出。5個月前我一直都在錄音室裡工作,能出外走走表演表演挺不錯的。LCI:即是說“找點事做和回到舞台”嗎?Mika:也可以這樣說;它可說是我的活力之源呢。我依然相信各樣新嘗試是重要的。例如我會嘗試演唱一些新專輯裡的歌,同時又嘗試寫法文歌,然後收錄到新專輯裡。那些法文歌不是某些舊歌的法文版,而是它們會一開始就以法文歌的模樣,呈現在大家面前的。我會從中選1至2首在貢比涅演唱會唱給大家聽,這也將會是我第一次唱屬於自己的法文歌。LCI:說起法文歌,不少法國的觀眾不時也會問你會不會唱一下法文歌⋯⋯Mika:對啊,真的每個人都這樣問我呢!很多人都問我,我有翻唱過(一些法文歌)的⋯⋯LCI:例如Grace Kelly?Mika:對,也有唱過Grace Kelly的法文版呢。雖然很多人不喜歡聽,但其實我常翻唱Barbara的歌!我試過在Eurockéennes音樂節唱過“La Solitude”的!(笑)但今次全都將會是我自己的歌。LCI:這張新專輯裡會有幾多首歌是法文的呢?Mika:呃⋯⋯不,它們不是專輯的一部分,說它們是bonus、和給我法國fans的一個驚喜會比較恰當。這些bonus有4至5首吧 ,4首是全法文的,不是主打的。新專輯是張英文專輯,裡面12首都是英文歌,加上那幾首bonus一起合成這張專輯。LCI:不如談談你這張第三張專輯吧。你過去2張專輯都是以童年和青春成長期做題材的。今次你又會帶我們到一個怎樣的時空裡呢?Mika:我很誠懇的告訴你,這次的專輯跟以前的是完全不同的。真的很不同,就像一個新開始一樣。現階段談我的第三張專輯感覺怪怪的,我始終還未完成啊。專輯預計今年內完成,明年年頭推出。可是你大概能在推出的幾個月前聽到一些新歌呢!或許未來幾個月內我會推出單曲吧。專輯聽起來會像Fleetwood Mac、Empire Of The Sun,和Daft Punk的“Tron”的混合。所以曲風會比較電子,但同時又不失有機元素。我也不太清楚呢⋯⋯無論如何它將會是張很愉快,誠懇的專輯,而題材方面則會成人一點;不會再有任何天真幼稚的感覺在內。它將會收錄所有既真誠又自由(解放)的聲音。
我在2月開始工作,我到了蒙特利爾,跟正在那裡為太陽劇團(Le Cirque du Soleil)工作的澳洲樂團,Empire Of The Sun合作。剛到那裡的時候,我不知道自己該做些甚麼。我甚至跟自己說,“我在這裡幹嘛?我連自己想怎樣也不知道。”LCI:你需要將自己再浸淫在工作之中嗎?Mika:我將自己浸淫在一個截然不同的環境裡;我從沒到過蒙特利爾錄音的。我有3個半月沒回過家;其後我離開蒙特利爾到了邁亞密,洛杉磯,然後再到邁亞密,再到蒙特利爾;我不斷遊走,不斷遊走,然後回到我完成了一半的專輯。這就像是⋯⋯我也不知道⋯⋯這過程對我有很大的幫助。我在各方面都重新振作起來。這是很重要的,這過程就如為去年發生的事作一個短暫休息,也為我造就了一個新的開始。LCI:正正因為那次的慘痛意外,觸動了你的家人和姊姊,也感動了你很多的歌迷,它們給你們寫了好幾個信息⋯⋯Mika:不不不,不是的,他們沒有寫’好幾個‘信息。姊姊當時在倫敦一間叫皇家倫敦醫院的醫院留醫。她収到數以百計的問候信息,是十分令人驚歎的,當時醫院方面很震驚。而收到的信息中大部分都是用法文寫的。她収到的有慰問信、花束、Carebears公仔等;她也開始收集Carebears公仔。你可能會問:甚麼?Carebears?毛毛熊?沒錯。我們實在收到太多Carebears公仔了,於是最後要把它們收集起來送給醫院裡的小朋友。太厲害了。我姊姊受寵若驚之餘又感動得很。LCI:那她現在好嗎?Mika:她現在康復得很好,也很堅強,很啓發到我;但同時也把我嚇倒,我從未見過一個女人⋯⋯她下星期就30歲了⋯⋯其實她的生日正正在我的貢比涅演唱會之前。她不斷搏鬥,不斷告訴自己她能再次如常走路。她已經跟大家-所有治療師和醫生證明她的決心,表明自己已為目標向前踏出好幾步。她真的很厲害,很有鬥心;我從沒有看過任何一個人像她那樣為目標搏鬥的。她完全沒有理會旁人怎樣說,相信自己必定會成功的。反觀我們的生活和在做的事,跟她完全比下去。LCI:好!非常感謝你!我們 7月在貢比涅再見吧;所以在2012年年頭能聽到你的第三張專輯嗎?Mika:沒錯,它將於2012年年頭面世,希望能在那之前推出一些單曲吧,看進度吧 。他們告訴我比亞里茲真的是拿破崙的皇宮來的,弄得我有點害怕;而因為演唱會是新的,視覺上也是,所以我們也為它另定了主題。會有一點羅浮宮的味道吧 ;而我的樂隊也會穿得像他們在瑪麗皇后的庭院(法庭?)裡一樣。LCI:所以會是瑪麗皇后的裙子嗎?Mika:(笑)到時會有一個很大的斷頭台喔!LCI:你把瑪麗皇后和拿破崙混在一起?Mika:拿破崙和瑪麗皇后!就拭目以待吧!約定你7月9日,貢比涅見!LCI:很感謝你Mika!就在貢比涅見吧!也期待你的新專輯!
English translation by Nanouch on MFC
Chinese translation by MIKAmaze HK
Video uploaded by AFerrariM via Youtube, owned by LCI
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