28 November 2010

回顧 Lookback - Mika在香港 2009 Mika in Hong Kong 2009

上年嘅前日 — 11月26號係MIKA第一次喺香港開公開演唱會嘅日子,今個星期當然係睇返佢喺香港時拍嘅Video Blog啦!=D

唔知大家有冇去過任何Mika喺香港開嘅live show呢?2007年?2009年?或者今年?
快啲去我哋嘅facebook page分享啦!
2 days ago, 26th Nov of last year, Mika had his first ever public gig in Hong Kong; let's rewind a bit and see how his tour was through his video blog! =D

We wonder if anyone of you've been to any of Mika's Hong Kong gigs? In 2007, 2009 or this year?
We'd like to hear your amazing experience going to a Mika gig from you!
Head our facebook page to share if you have any!

記住繼續留意我哋嘅blog同facebook page啦!
We are going to have a giveaway session around Christmas, before New Year!
Please keep an eye on our blog and facebook page!


Video by Mikasoundsblog via Youtube

22 November 2010

Terra TV: Mika at Planeta Terra Festival, São Paulo, Brazil 巴西聖保羅

今次喺巴西, Mika第一次用喺演唱會嘅上視覺效果上加入3D立體元素,的確花咗唔少心思!
幾條Terra TV嘅片,可以睇返Mika巴西演唱會嘅情形!:D

Mika has added 3D elements to the gig visuals in Brazil for the first time!
Few videos from TerraTV of Mika's Brazil gig :D

Happy Ending

Billy Brown

We Are Golden

Love Today

Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

Relax, Take It Easy



21 November 2010

@mikasounds - 更多Twitter更新 More Twitter Updates

RT @mikasounds was on a BA flight this afternoon from Buenos Aires to Sao Paulo with the scissor sisters, hot chip and phoenix. the pop shuttle

RT @mikasounds 今日下晝同Scissor Sisters, Hot Chip同Phoenix喺布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aries)一齊搭飛機去聖保羅(São Paulo) — Pop star穿梭機!
about 7 hours ago via web

RT @mikasounds just got back to the hotel, went to bar secreto after one of the best gigs of the year. i couldnt have ended on a better note, thank you

RT @mikasounds 啱啱返到酒店,喺今年最正嘅一場表演完之後靜雞雞落咗間酒吧。我諗唔到點樣可以寫一段更好嘅note作結喇,多謝你哋!
about 7 hours ago via web


via @mikasounds on twitter on twitter

照片 Photos from Terra: Planeta Terra Festival 2010 - Mika in 巴西聖保羅 São Paulo, Brazil

Mika 2010年最後一個演唱會Planeta Terra Festival終於喺巴西聖保羅畫上完美句號!


Mika's last gig of 2010 has finally ended at Planeta Terra Festival in São Paulo, Brazil - we have to share photos of the night for sure!

Mika has almost been to every corner of the world this year, it should be time for him to get some rest. Hope he'll finish his 3rd album shortly and have new tours and gigs for the world soon! X)

Terra - Mika arranca gritos do público no palco principal


Photos via Terra

歌迷分享 Fans Share - 阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯Hot Festival演唱會錄影 Hot Festival Live in Buenos Aries, Argentina (Recorded)

如果你錯過咗尋日Mika喺阿根廷嘅Ustram演唱會現場直播,又或者想重溫尋日演唱會嘅盛況 — 家下可以睇返由fans錄低嘅video補返/ 回味吓!X)

For ones who missed Mika's Argentina gig live stream on Ustream, or who want to go back to the gig once again - you can now watch it here ! X)

2010.11.19 - MIKA @ Hot Festival Argentina - P.01 uploaded by alicepenniman

2010.11.19 - MIKA @ Hot Festival Argentina - p.02 uploaded by alicepenniman


Videos uploaded by alicepenniman via zoopy

20 November 2010

Metro 95.1: Mika流行馬戲團於Hot Festival大放異彩 Mika pop circus shone in Hot Festival

當地嘅Metro 95.1除咗為大家影咗一堆靚相之外,重對佢今次演唱會有唔錯嘅評價架!


While waiting for more of Mika's upcoming last gig in São Paulo, Brazil; we have to take a look of the photos of his Buenos Aries, Argentina gig for sure!
Metro 95.1 of Argentina has taken a bunch of gig photos and given Mika's gig few positive comments!
They even had an audio interview with Mika when he was in Argentina!

Metro 95.1 Interview - Entrevista a Mika en Metro y Medio

El circo pop de Mika brilló en el Hot Festival

Mika pop circus shone in Hot Festival
Mika流行馬戲團於Hot Festival大放異彩

Vocal skills, attitude and an undeniable stage pop talent. All this brought Mika on the main stage of the Hot Festival, and at night fall to the grounds of Costanera Sur. In a set of one hour, the Lebanese-born singer poured his barrage of melodic hits.

The piano or microphone in hand, Mika began his show with "Relax", "Big Girl" and "Stuck in the Middle" and did not overlook any of the highlights of his career. For the closing four songs are classic pop and current dance: "Love Today", "We Are Golden", "Grace Kelly" and "Lollipop."

靚聲、態度,加上無法抗拒喺舞台上嘅天份 — 就喺夜晚將Mika帶到去Hot Festival,Costanera Sur嘅台上。短短一個鐘頭,呢個出生於黎巴嫩嘅歌手帶同一連串勁歌,施展渾身解數。

Mika以"Relax"、"Big Girl"同"Stuck in the Middle"作為今次演唱會嘅序幕。無論係彈琴定揸咪唱歌,都唔會令你忽略到佢歌唱事業上任何一樣精彩嘅細節。而Mika當晚以佢經典嘅流行歌同舞曲"Love Today"、"We Are Golden"、"Grace Kelly"同"Lollipop"四首歌作結。
