7 November 2010

回顧 Lookback - Mika與豆腐人玩具 Mika and Tofu Dolls

好!啱啱過咗嗰個星期我哋睇咗Mika主持MTV歐洲音樂大獎2010熱選提名特輯、佢喺意大利雜誌xL Repubblica嘅最新專欄(對唔住中文版重未搞掂 Orz|||),新鮮滾熱辣加月中舉行嘅智利演唱會;亦睇咗Mika畀人剪短頭髮嘅心聲,同佢2007年嚟香港時嘅訪問


如果大家想睇任何咩關於Mika嘅訪問、相、video或者任何嘢,歡迎喺blog留comment或者喺我哋嘅facebook page留言!


For the past week we saw Mika hosting MTV EMA 2010's Hot List, his new article on xL Repubblica, his freshly added Chile gig; also rewind to the time when he had his hair shortened and his interview in Hong Kong.

This week we are taking out 1 of his old video blogs from the self - Mika and his Tofu dolls in 2008!

Still, if you want to see anything of Mika, you can always leave your message on our blog or our facebook page. Enjoy and have a nice week! ;)

過去一個星期我們帶大家看了Mika主持MTV歐洲音樂大獎熱選提名特輯、他在意大利雜誌xL Repubblica上的最新專欄(對不起中文版還未譯好 Orz|||)、新增在月中舉行的智利演唱會,也回顧了他一次剪完頭髮給Leo的message和他2007年到香港時的電視訪問

今個星期我們在他以前的video blog中選了2008年Mika一次在機場等候時,玩豆腐人玩具的片段跟大家分享!

如果大家想看任何關於Mika的訪問、照片、video或其他相關的東西,可隨時在blog或我們的facebook page上留言!



呢個係一個fans送畀我嘅。其實我應該係要生日先可以開嚟玩,但我已經忍唔住拆咗喇!呢個係日本Bandai出嘅豆腐人公仔,我不嬲都有儲開架!佢地真係好正。佢係Devil Robots整嘅,佢地好好人架,已經送咗好多玩具畀我。
咁好啦,呢個係一個fans畀我嘅 — 暫時嚟講佢係我咁多個豆腐人公仔其中一個我最鍾意嘅,雖然佢唔係好大隻。因為呢,你睇下就知架喇,佢可以做到好多呢啲 — 即係呢,你禁掣啦,咁就會咁架喇(跌);跟住你禁第二個掣,就會咁,睇下!你點整佢出嚟先!如果我好似佢咁就好喇,好似呢隻嘢咁多功能!

What do you do when you're bored waiting at the airport?

THIS is a gift that a fan gave me and I wasn't supposed to open it until my birthday - BUT I'm sorry, I did. And these are called the Tofu dolls; and erm, I'm a big collector of them.
They come from Japan, and they're made by Bandai. And ah they are really good. Devil Robots are the design team who made these; they are really nice people that they sent me lots of toys.
Anyway, this is from a fan - and this is probably one of the best ones I have, even it is not that big. BECAUSE if you look, it does all these things like, if you push, you push the button - and it's that *stairs drop*
And then you push that, it does that, check that out - HOW you bulid that?
This is how I wish I was. I wish I was like this thing, with many functions.
Many functions, so - watch me put it together -


這是來自日本Bandai的豆腐人公仔,我一直都有收集它的玩具喔!它是Devil Robots設計出來的,他們人很好,已經給我送了很多玩具。
好,這是我歌迷送我的 — 暫時是其中一個我最喜歡的豆腐人玩具,雖然它不是很大隻。因為,如果你仔細看它,你會發現它可以做到很多 — 例如你按這裡,它就會這樣(跌);然後你按這裡,就會這樣,你看看嘛!你會怎樣弄到一個這樣的豆腐人呢?
And here's a bonus (;


Video via Mikasounds Blog
Video via musicaldva9


Dovu said...

版主你好funny! hya! XD

MIKAmaze Hong Kong said...

awww thanks!!! X)